My song "Pieces and Pages" is a peek inside the mind of a stressed out teenager who is not ready for love and all the baggage that comes along with having to dedicate a piece of your life to someone. Since I was a little girl, the one thing I have always been certain of is my career. In my perfect world, I am creating music and living freely and openly in my imagination, innovating and spending my time in a city full of ideas and experiences to write about. "Pieces and Pages" was partially written while I was on a vacation to New York; I was inspired by the sounds, melodies, and detail of the city. There was such a liveliness to my inner self and my writing that I have never felt while at home. Part of me was hoping to forget my life in California and fly across the country for a fresh start. The boy I am discussing in the song was my boyfriend at the time, and he did not understand or appreciate my goals and my dreams to the full extent. Music is something that will always come first, before anyone or anything. For the rest of my life, there is no doubt I will move anywhere and will do anything to find my perfect sound. - Emilia Vaughn


what people are saying about

check out the official Pieces and Pages lyric video here!!


“This song is pure bliss, the singing is absolutely stunning in this song and radiates deep into your soul as it's just so captivating that it's hard not to get engulfed in the beauty of this song.”

“I like the dreamy opening, like a fall on solid ground, that gives way to a rather wonderful verse complete with hand claps. This is really good pop and deserves to get major airplay.”

“I don't know why but this seem like it would put me in a good mood after a break up. The melody gave me a feeling like no matter what everything gonna be alright.”


French Film

